KSSN: A Venerable Silent Mathematician

A funny incident happened when Prof KSS Nambooripad (KSSN) started his career as a faculty member in the math department of UC College, Alwaye in central Kerala. One of the students stood up and asked, why should they learn mathematics as he could not find any compelling reasons to learn it. Continue reading ‘KSSN: A Venerable Silent Mathematician’

TeX4ht: Configure Part 2

Navigation Links for Sectioning Divisions

\Configure{crosslinks} provides hooks to create navigation links across sub-documents created from a long document like book where chapters are broken into separate HTML documents or a long article where sections might be cut into separate documents for easy browsing. \CutAt{...} helps to split a long document at the desired section or chapter or part units. When documents are split into smaller units, we need navigation links across various split units. TeX4ht provides an important function, \Configure{crosslink}, which is explained below how various navigational links can be created and customized. Continue reading ‘TeX4ht: Configure Part 2’

TeX4ht: Configure Part 1

The \Configure command is the most powerful user command in TeX4ht system. It helps to add various kinds of hooks to insert target markup code at the desired locations in and around various types of content. For instance, take the case of section{...} in LaTeX. A typical example will be: Continue reading ‘TeX4ht: Configure Part 1’

TeX4ht: Overview of the Process

TeX4ht system has the ability to translate any TeX or LaTeX document into other markup formats such as SGML, HTML, XML, MathML, OpenOffice format, Braille, etc. Continue reading ‘TeX4ht: Overview of the Process’

MathML 3 and TeX4ht

MathML 3 is about to be formalized and going to be released as the new standard for encoding mathematics in web. It differs from the previous standard 2. The main changes that have a bearing on the functionality of TeX4ht are discussed here. Continue reading ‘MathML 3 and TeX4ht’


We often encounter nightmarish scenario while generating final versions of a long document when one or more of the following happens:

  1. New revised versions of packages used.
  2. Smaller changes to a fewer number of pages of a long document. Continue reading ‘Pdfpagediff’

The World of Don Knuth

I was often astounded by the tastes, particularly the choice of literary works and movies, of Don Knuth who is a mathematician and computer scientist by training and profession. Most of the computer scientists I know are wary of reading anything outside their realm of knowledge. If you tell them anything about existentialism or postmodern literature, they will pay scant attention to you. Continue reading ‘The World of Don Knuth’

Write registers in TeX

The io registers in TeX are often a matter of severe limitation. When we try to typeset a document that loads a lot of packages, it becomes a non-trivial task to satisfy register requirements of various packages that compete each other. Continue reading ‘Write registers in TeX’

Plain TeX and TeX4ht

If you try to generate html version of your plain TeX document using a combination of pdfTeX and TeX4ht, you will find terrible mismatches and html version will not be generated. Continue reading ‘Plain TeX and TeX4ht’

My Dreams

I have two dreams — one is the sustainable community and the other is an autobiographical manual of TeX programming.

Continue reading ‘My Dreams’